I hope you enjoy these and find something you just have to have!
I'm so excited for my 2014 Christmas Mini Sessions this year. The location is great and it has so many different options within a little area! To help you be prepared I've taken a few examples of what will be available for you to choose. I will have the rocking horse, crates, chairs, and a few other items to be used if you'd like. Because of the range in the time of day that the Mini Sessions will be taking place, not all spots will have the right lighting, but we will do our best to make sure you get what you'd like!
I hope you enjoy these and find something you just have to have!
I am so excited to have been able to spend the day with these two amazing people. And I mean the whole day. It was such a blessing to arrive in Oakland early on their wedding day as it was pouring rain. Just as the bride showed up it stopped raining...secretively I was hoping for some cute umbrella shots,
but I'm glad it stopped so her hair and makeup wouldn't get messed up. Just after their sealing, the sun came out and left us with the most amazing clouds. Then through out the day it was just perfect. I'm so thankful that I was able to take part in capturing their special moments. I hope that they will treasure these photos for their lifetimes. Congratulations Vivanna and Chris, may love be always with you, and an open soft heart to each other. Tis the Season to have your Family pictures taken and to update your wall,
along with updating your family and friends with a christmas card or letter. Mini sessions are ideal for families who want a quick session. Within 25 minutes we will have captured at least one family portrait, a portrait of just kids, and an individual photo of each child. Its quick and easy. Parents last year raved at how easy and pain free it was! Spots are filling up quickly so please contact me directly to arrange a time. Be sure to also click on the drop down menu bar above on "Information" and then "Mini Sessions". You will be able to find out more details about pricing packages, location options, and time slots. Please be sure to contact me as soon as possible if you are interested in scheduling. I'd love to make sure you get a spot. Live to the fullest, Love like you've never loved before, and Laugh out loud! Terri This week seems to be like the week of 1000's things not going right, or falling apart, breaking, spilling, not working out this list goes on a little bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to have my kids home from school this week. We've been able to do a ton of fun things, including Grandma visiting from Minnesota, going to the beach, bringing Grandma to the Airport, golfing, playing with friends, playing at home, riding bikes, sleeping over at the other Grandmas house, ice cream, Date night for my oldest and me, this list goes on and on it seems. Anyhow, the one thing I really wanted to do was test out my MiniSession site with the kiddos and hopefully get a couple cute Christmas shots. But SERIOUSLY, this is how we start our session out. Greaaaaat! Can you hear the sarcasm? So that doesn't sum it up, I really got some cute ones that I'll be posting tomorrow along with the Mini Session Announcements! So exciting!!!
Weddings, oh Weddings. What can I say but what a beautiful place to be. Beautiful Bride and Groom inside and out. Beautiful finishing touches here and there. This wedding was just beautiful! I can't thank the Bevan and Casey Families enough for inviting me to capture this special day! I hope that they can look back and remember how much love they have for each other on this day many years down the road and look back and have it bring joy into their lives. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Casey!
Terri Fairbanks